Are you a student working on one of our ongoing projects? Video tutorials for each of our projects will be posted here, along with any supplemental written directions or examples which will be included in the "supplemental materials" section below! You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to be alerted when new videos are posted.
1. How to Paint Bombus vosnesenskii, the Yellow-faced Bumble Bee
2. How to Paint: Anthophora urbana, the Urbane Digger Bee
3. How to paint Osmia lignaria, the Blue Orchard Mason Bee or Blue Orchard Bee AKA, “B. O. B.”
4. "Poppies and Pollinators" Distance Mural Kit
5. RVCS "Wings of Flight" Distance Mural Kit
7. Informational Recycling Videos:
— "Better at the Bin" from Recology
— "Sorting It!..." from The Climate Center
— Lupine Example Painting; Row 1
— Lupine Example Painting; Row 2 (1st example), Row 2 (2nd example)
— Lupine Example Painting; Row 3
— Lupine Example Painting; Row 4
— Lupine Example Painting; Row 5
— Yarrow/milenrama example paintings:
— Golden Banner/Thermopsis examples: