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The Hinebuagh Creek Bridge, Commerce Boulevard, Rohnert Park, CA

Hinebaugh Creek Bridge Mural

Commerce Boulevard, Rohnert Park, CA


A mural reflecting the native habitat and history of this area. 

Funded by the City of Rohnert Park Foundation Small Grants Program.


Mural Start: February 2022

Mural Completion: April 2022


Lead Artist: Annalisa Sher

Assistant Lead Artist: Kaya Gately


Teen Apprentices:

Luna Dator

Emilie Gomez

Oona Haigh

Audrey Kelzer

Caroline Merkle


Hinebaugh Creek is a westward flowing stream through the City of Rohnert Park with headwaters area above the Fairfield Osborn Preserve and within the Sonoma Mountain watershed.  Along the same trajectory of this system is Copland Creek which bisects the campus of Sonoma State University on its journey to discharge into the Laguna De Santa Rosa.  The two systems are part of the Russian River Basin which drains to the Pacific Ocean. 


The history of this creek environment includes the settlement by Coast Miwok, Wappo and Pomo indigenous people.   The creek system includes the highly utilized Copland Creek Trail of 4.4 miles and is used for walking, jogging, biking and is wheelchair accessible and enjoyed year-round. Principle creek flora and fauna include Oak, Bay Laurel, the Snowberry and American Ginseng plants.  Creek aquatic inhabitants include the endangered Red-Legged frog, Western pond turtle, Newts, Pacific Giant Salamander and the Pacific Tree Frog.


This mural was made possible by a grant from the City of Rohnert Park Foundation Small Grants Program.


Additional funding provided by the Miranda Lux Foundation and the Sonoma County Vintners Foundation.

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